Thursday, July 17, 2014

Wrapping Up

On the plane ride home, the students filled out evaluation forms about their experience. Some of their comments speak to the benefits of this kind of experience:

  • "Seeing how the people in the comarca lived made me think about how fortunate I am."
  • "This trip gave me a more accurate world view as opposed to a first world view."
  • "This trip has completely opened my eyes to another culture and the immense problem that is malnutrition."
  • "I learned how to speak and hear Spanish 100x better, and [this trip] will help my education because I will do better in Spanish now."
  • "I've learned more Spanish and how to change a diaper."
  • "I had some eye-opening experiences at Nutre Hogar. It changed my view of the world...I also broadened my knowledge of other cultures."
  • "Nutre Hogar is why I went on this trip and it was revolutionary."
  • "I learned more about myself and my capabilities. This trip has improved my education vastly as I have improved my speaking and understanding of Spanish in a way school could never do."

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome experience for an awesome group of guys! Thank you so very much Mr. and Mrs. Hardin for taking our sons on this trip.
